3-Axis 2-Head Machine Making 700MM Disk Brushes

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This is a CNC 3-axis 2-head machine used to produce those big disk brushes with tampico filaments, equipped with a drilling-head and a tufing-head.

In the above video those tampico filaments were not tidy and smooth enough, thus the machine didn't work fast. If it works faster, those tampico filaments would easily get stuck. However, if using better tampico filaments or PP/PVC filaments instead, its working speed could easily reach 5 or 6 holes per second.

The maximum outer diameter of a plastic disk brush base allowed is 700mm! Of course the operator could also use it to make 600mm, 500mm, 300mm or even 200mm disk brushes, no problem.

Furthermore, please note that all the holes are made perpendicular at 90 degrees. As a 3-axis machine, it cannot make holes inclining at different angles.

If you prefer a machine which can make holes inclining at different holes, a 4-axis 3-head disk brush machine or a 5-axis 3-head disk brush machine is recommended.

Feeling so interested in disk brush making machines but still having some further questions or doubts? Please do not hesitate to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com to start your business inquiry or just leave a message on this page, we are so eager to hear from you and will definitely get back to you with a professional solution at the earliest.

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