2-Axis Scrub Brush Filling Machine (Anchor-Type)

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It is a typical 2-axis scrub brush filling machine making yellow scrub brushes with red filaments.

The plastic bases of the scrub brush model in the above video were already moulded with holes, thus operator just need a filling machine for production, there was no need to drill holes by the machine.

However, some manufacturers prefer to use plastic bases which are moulded without holes, if so, a 2-axis 3-head scrub brush drilling and filling machine or a 2-axis 5-head scrub brush making machine is the best choice.

Interested to find out more technical details about scrub brush filling machines? Please do feel free to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just leave a message on this page, we'll try our best to get back to you with a professional solution at the earliest.

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