Industrial Roller Brush Drilling And Tufting Machine

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Many manufacturers use this machine model to produce those big and long industrial roller brushes.

Is your roller brush 1 meter long? 2 meters? Or even 3 meters? No problem, this machine could fully meet your requirements. Theoretically speaking, this machine model can make thousands of industrial roller brushes in different size range, on condition that operator sets up corresponding programs and changes grippers accordingly. 

Feeling so interested in industrial roller brush making machine? Please do not hesitate to contact us at or just leave a message on this page, it'll be our pleasure to reply to you with a professional solution.

  • ***CHA2023.06.09
  • Chloe (Int'l Sales)2023.06.12

    Dear ***CHA, it's our pleasure to receive your message again! Sorry for the late reply, as we were off work on weekends. Besides hockey brushes, you also produce industrial roller brushes? Anyway, the quotation with image and technical parameters was already sent to you by email, please kindly check your mailbox and do not hesitate to let us know any of your further questions or doubts. Kind Regards!

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