CNC 2-Axis Machine Making Large Disk Brushes (1.2M)

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This is a really big 2-axis tufting machine used to make large disk brushes. The maximum diameter of disk brush allowed is 1.2M, other size could be customized. (On the above video, it's just making a disk brush of normal size, not 1.2m disk)

X-axis controls the rotating movements of its worktable, while Y-axis controls the forward/backward movements of its worktable, thus the filaments are tufted vertically at 90 degrees only, they can't be tilting at angles.

If you need filaments tilting at different angles, and the original plastic disk pieces are already molded with holes, a 4-axis disk brush tufting machine is recommended. If your original plastic disk pieces are molded without holes, we'd like to suggest a 4-axis 3-head diks brush machine instead.

Interested in all these disk brush making machines but having no idea how to select a suitable machine to make your own disk brush model? Don't worry, please do feel free to contact us at or just leave a message on this page, we'll do our best to get back to you with a professional solution.

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