4-Axis 2-Head Wheel Brush Making Machine

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In the above video it's a CNC 4-axis 2-head wheel brush making machine, which is able to process wheel brushes with specifications as below:

The maximum outer diameter of a wheel brush base without filaments: 850mm

The maximum length of filaments outside holes: 110mm

Hole diameters: 3mm - 7mm

The machine is equipped with a drilling-head and a tufting-head, which drills holes firstly and tufts filaments secondly.

Besides the large wheel brush model with OD of 850mm in the video, can it also make those smaller wheel brushes? Yes, surely it can, on condition that the operator changes grippers accordingly.

Really interested to know more details about this 4-axis wheel brush making machine? Thinking of getting a machine to produce your own wheel brushes? Please do feel free to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just directly leave a message on this page, it'll be our great pleasure to hear from you and we'll try our best to reply to you with a professional solution at the earliest.

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