3-Axis 3-Head Hairbrush Making Machine

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This is a CNC 3-axis 3-head machine making pink hairbrushes.

On the worktable there are three grippers holding three hairbrushes. The machine always keeps working on two grippers and by turns there is always a gripper left unworking, so that the operator could take out the finished hairbrush from that unworking gripper and put another new brush base into the gripper to be processed. However, this working principle is demonstrated more clearly on this roller brush making machine.

Besides the hairbrush machine in the above video, we also have other different models for producing hairbrushes, such as this old-style 4-axis hairbrush making machine, this 3-axis hairbrush drilling and tufting machine and this latest-style 4-in-1 hairbrush making machine with automatic feeding and trimming functions.

Confused by so many different hairbrush making machines? Totally not knowing how to select a most suitable hairbrush machine for your own case? No worries! Please do not hesitate to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just leave a message on this page, we are eager to hear from you and will definitely treat your business inquiry with top priority!

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