Three-Colored Broom Filling Machine (Flat-Wire)

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How to produce more colorful plastic brooms? This three-colored broom filling machine might be one of your best choices! It can make brooms with filaments in three different colors.

And, the maximum size of a plastic broom base allowed is 400mm (Length) x 100mm (Width), other size range could be customized.

However, if you prefer a more automatic model, this CNC broom filling machine with automatic feeding system is strongly recommended! With the help of automatic feeding system, an operator is completely capable of running two machines synchronously and two operators are able to run four machines, and so on, which greatly helps decrease the labor cost.

You might be interested to take a look at the workshop of a customer who uses 6 sets of our broom filling machines with automatic feeding system.

Still having no idea how to select a suitable broom filling machine? Don't worry! Please do feel free to contact us at or just leave a message on this page, it'll be our great pleasure to hear from you and we guarantee that your inquiry would be treated with top priority.

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