CNC 2-Axis High-Speed Broom Filling Machine

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This is a CNC 2-axis broom filling machine, which is quite popular among broom manufacturers. Many broom manufacturers use it to produce cheap broom models.

The maximum length of broom filaments (outside holes) processed is 110mm; while the maximum filling speed is 7 holes per second.

In the above video, it's working under semi-automatic mode. After finishing a working cycle, it automatically stops to let operator take out the finished brooms, and it doesn't resume working until operator presses "Start" button again. Of course it can also work continuously under automatic mode, non-stop.

Not satisfied with the above broom filling machine? Want to expand broom business by increasing working efficiency? You might be interested to take a look at another 2-axis broom filling machine with automatic broom-bases feeding system, which brings higher working efficiency and helps a manufacturer decrease the labor cost.

Curious to find out further technical details about CNC 2-axis broom filling machines? Please do feel free to contact us at or just leave a message on this page, we guarantee that your inquiry would be treated with top priority.

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