Automatic Roller Brush Trimming Machine

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It's an automatic roller brush trimming machine, used to trim the filament-ends of roller brushes, so as to keep all the filament-ends flat and neat.

The roller brushes you want to process are 1M long? 2M long? 3M long? Please don't worry! No problem, we are completely capable of customizing trimming machines for your case. Please just directly contact us at and kindly let us know the specifications of your own roller brush models, then it'll be our pleasure to send you a quotation to start the business negotiation.

Besides this normal roller brush trimming machine, we also make wavy-shape brush trimming machine, in fact, no matter what size the roller brush is, we are able to customize trimming machines exactly according to customer's specified requirments, please do feel free to contact us at or just leave a message on this page, we guarantee that your inquiry would be treated with top priority.

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