4-Axis Round Toilet Brush Filling Machine

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Many manufacturers use this 4-axis brush filling machine to produce round (spherical) toilet brushes, which is actually one of the most popular machine models among suppliers of daily cleaning brushes.

Please note that all those round (spherical) plastic toilet brush bases should be moulded with holes in advance. However, some manufacturers prefer to use those plastic toilet brush bases moulded without holes, if so, another 5-axis 3-head machine or a 5-axis 5-head machine is recommended.

In the above video it's making toilet brushes with filaments in a single color only, but please be informed that in fact it can make round toilet brushes with filaments in two colors.

Still not knowing which brush machine model is the most suitable one for your own case? Also feeling curious to find out more differences between a 4-axis round toilet brush filling machine and a 5-axis 3-head toilet brush making machine? Don't worry, please do feel free to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just leave a message on this page, we guarantee that your inquiry would be treated with top priority, and we'll try our best to offer you a professional solution at the earliest.

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