3-Axis Curved Toilet Brush Filling Machine

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This kind of curved toilet brush is a very typical model made by a 3-axis brush filling machine. As a 3-axis machine, its X-axis controls the left/right movements of the worktable, Y-axis controls the forward/backward movements of the worktable, and Z-axis controls the rotating movements.

So, which brush models can it make? The operator could use it to produce single side hockey brushes (curved brushes), fan-shaped brooms, most flat plastic brooms, clothes washing brushes, etc. In a word, besides curved brushes, a 3-axis machine can also make most flat brush models made by a 2-axis machine.

How about the hourly output? Well, let's take the small curved toilet brush model in the above video as an example, which has totally 48 holes. If calculating according to 5 holes per second, the hourly output is about 360PCS and the daily output is around 2880PCS within 8 working hours.

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