Curved Clothes Washing Brush Trimming Machine

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In most cases, those clothes washing brush models are with completely flat tufting surfaces.

However, this clothes washing brush model in the above video is a little special, which is curved at one end! Thus the machine customized for trimming this curved model is also different from those normal flat brush trimming machines.

It's an automatic one.

After locking the brush well, the operator just needs to step on the foot switch to start trimming automatically. After trimming, the gripper automatically releases to let the operator take out the processed brush.

Besides this clothes washing brush trimming machine, we also make many other machines for trimming different brush models, such as roller brush trimming machine, flat broom trimming machine, spherical toilet brush trimming machine, single side hockey brush trimming machine and double side hockey brush trimming machine, etc.

In a word, we are able to customize most brush machines (either brush drilling & tufting machines or brush trimming machines) to meet your production requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us at or just leave us a message on this page, it'll be our great pleasure to hear from you and we'll try our best to get back to you with a professional solution at the earliest opportunity.

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