3-Axis 2-Head Machine Making Brush With SS Wires

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This is a CNC 3-axis 2-head roller brush making machine. With a drilling-head and a tufting-head, it drills holes firstly and tufts stainless steel wires secondly.

The major difference between a 3-axis 2-head machine and a 3-axis 3-head machine is the working efficiency.

Using a 3-axis 2-head machine with a gripper, it drills holes firstly and tufts filaments secondly. The machine need stop after it finishes a roller brush, so that operator could take away the finished roller brush and put into another new brush piece to be processed.

Using a 3-axis 3-head machine with three grippers, it drills holes and tufts filaments synchronously. From its video demonstration, you could see that the machine doesn't stop to let operator change the roller brush pieces, it just keeps working continuously, thus the working efficiency is much higher. 

Feeling very interested in 3-axis roller brush making machines but having some further questions? Please do feel free to contact us at chloe@brushmachine1.com or just leave a message on this page, it'll be our great pleasure to hear from you and advise a professional solution.

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